
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy National Scrapbook Day

I have spent the majority of the day doing things at least related to scrapbooking. I started this morning working on my scrapbook pages, then I went shopping for scrapbooking stuff with a friend. We went to Tuesday Morning and found lots of goodies. I was able to get three packs of solid color cardstock, white, Christmas green, and Dark red, 25 sheets in each pack, for 1.99 each! I also got a couple of cardstock pads, 5.99 each! Of course, I found a few other things I just HAD to have, that never fails!!! LOL
Anyway, when got home, we went back to scrapping! I have acquired more goodies on this trip to my friends this time, than I have in a while. Of course hubby is probably going to kill me, but at least I will die happy!! LOL
I mean what is a trip to a friends for a scrapbooking visit, if you don't go do some shopping? Especially on NSD!!!
But, unfortunately, we are both pooped now and about to head to bed. I hope all of you were able to get some scrapbooking done today or at least had some fun doing something related to scrapbooking.
For now, I wish you a good night and I will talk to you tomorrow!
God Bless each and every one of you!!!

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