
Friday, April 30, 2010

Shopping for Scrapbooking supplies and storage issues

I don't know how many of you out there have storage issues, but just about every scrapper I have spoken too is dissatisfied with all or part of their storage methods. Tell me what some of the methods of storage that you use, are your favorites, and which are the ones you want to get rid of the most, and tell me why on both.
Personally, I love the better built storage cubes purchased at Michaels and a few at Target. The 4 shelf cube is perfect for holding paper. A full cropper hopper paper holder just slides right in and this makes separating my paper somewhat easier. The only problem I have with this method is that I am very visual. If I don't see it, I will forget I have it and not use it. Of course, then 6 months later I come across this particular set of stickers or that piece of paper and just want to kick myself for not remembering where I put it, for not having better storage to prevent me from doing that.
I have started sorting all of my papers and embellishments by subject, for example, I have a Christmas container that contains all of my Christmas paper and stickers. I also have one for my Halloween stuff. I plan to by some more of these containers made by ArtBin. They have a handle, hold a BUNCH of stuff, and makes it so much easier if I am going to a crop and know what pictures I am going to work on, I can just grab the ArtBin box that contains that subject and maybe a few other things, such as some of my tools, and I am ready to go! It also makes it a lot easier if I have someone at my house scrapping with me and they want to borrow something. I don't have to stop what I am doing and search for the requested item, I can just direct them to the correct container and they can search for themselves.
I am up to 3 of these containers and I am loving this method of storage! I am not a fan of the Iris storage boxes that snap shut, primarily because they are then so difficult to open! The ArtBin's have two snap closures on the front of the box and they have a handle, making them a much better storage solution in my opinion. I plan to add many more of these ArtBins as finances allow and I think I will be very happy with that solution.
Once I get that taken care of, then I will either start on getting all my pics separated they way I plan to scrap them. As of now, I have them sorted somewhat, but not to my satisfaction. I intend to correct that! At this point, my plan is to have a photo storage box for each of my children and grandchildren, as well as a box for my husband, my pets, and then probably a miscellaneous box. I hate to put anything under miscellaneous because those are the ones that you will be searching for in a few weeks and won't remember where they are. This applies to embellishments as well for me!
I plan to post pics of my scraproom next week and I hope some of you followers will offer suggestions of better storage methods. I will be happy to listen  and consider any and all suggestions! But for tonight, since I am not at home, everything will stay in the containers I brought them in.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to soon have a gallery added so you may see some of my work. Some of it you can tell is done by a beginner, while there are quite a few pages I am very proud of. I do not mind scraplifting. In fact, I consider it a complement! So if you see something I have done that you would like to repeat, go for it! I just ask that you don't take one of my designs and try to sell it as your own. I believe in giving credit where credit is due.
Well, I think that is going to be it for tonight. So far in the past two days, I have completed 6 pages. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but I am not a super fast scrapper. I like to look a layout over and over to see if I want it one particular way or another. I have to try several different embellishments before I settle on what I want, so you can see how it would take me a while to complete a page. But that is due in part to my desire for perfection. I don't like crooked letters, strange groupings, etc. But, I said that was going to be all for tonight, so we can get into this subject a little more tomorrow. Until then, have a wonderful night, stay safe, and God Bless You and Yours!

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